Dementia Friendly Nevada Community Group

Dementia Friendly Pahrump

Monthly Community Group Meetings:

Fourth Thursday of every month, 10:00AM-11:30AM
Holiday Inn Pahrump, 861 S Highway 160, Pahrump, NV 89048

Sign up to receive reminder emails!

Community Group Goals

  1. Dementia Friendly Pahrump is currently working toward increasing community awareness of dementia by offering Dementia Friends Information Sessions, and identifying community members who would like to become Dementia Friends Champions and facilitate Dementia Friends throughout the community.
  2. Dementia Friendly Pahrump is also working towards developing a Dementia Emergency Response Protocol in collaboration with Pahrump-area first responders, in the event an individual living with dementia needs assistance. 

Current Activities:

Dementia Friendly Pahrump is planning future activities soon!

Upcoming Community Group Events

  • The Fundamentals of Care and Support
    • An education event open to all! Download the event flyer here.
      • Thursday, May 23, 2024, 10:00 AM – 12:00 PM
      • Valley Electric Conference Center
        800 E Nevada Hwy 372
        Pahrump, NV 89048
      • RSVP to Tiffany Mayer

Watch a brief introduction to the work of Dementia Friendly Pahrump!

Community Group Member Spotlight: Karen Taylor

Can you please share a little bit about why you became a member of Dementia Friendly Nevada?
At the time of Dementia Friendly Community Launching in Southern Nevada our agency was still rather young, and I was finding there were a great deal of vacant resources or resources that were operating in silos with no bridges to access the resources. Being a Solutions Agent I committed to participate for one year to attempt to make a difference. Five years later, we have made a huge impact and continue to improve access to many resources in Southern Nevada

What is one thing you wish others knew about becoming a new member of Dementia Friendly Nevada?
There is still a lot more work to do, still many vacant resource provisions and Silo’s to bridge. We need the community to enhance the community.

What is one of your hopes for how your community can become more respectful, educated, supportive and inclusive of people living with dementia?
Our company’s personal aspiration is that education regarding dementia would begin in our school systems as the population of multi-generational households increases the potential of children experiencing life along with individual’s living with dementia increases.

What is one myth or misconception about dementia that you’d like to dispel or clarify?
Dementia is a condition that comes in a vast variety of medical conditions and is not a respecter of persons or age! We can gracefully thrive while experiencing dementia when supported appropriately, cared for with dignity and provided access to exceptional information and education.

What are three of your favorite things to do in your leisure time?
My faith and family intertwine in every area of my life. Coffee and cows make me smile, while crafts, comedy and friendships enhance my relaxation.

Prevalence of Dementia In Pahrump (2020)

people living with dementia 65 and over
people living with dementia 85 and over
people living alone with dementia

Community Group Co-Facilitators

Karen Taylor

Owner & Administrator; August Services LLC

Cheryl Johnston, PhD

Visiting Assistant Professor/BSW Coordinator; UNLV

Dementia Friendly Nevada Support Team Member

Tiffany Mayer

Care Coordinator; August Services LLC

Dementia Friendly Pahrump Volunteers

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Want to donate to this Community Group?

Under “gift instructions or comments,” please type “Pahrump” to direct 100% of your donation to this Community Group.

Dementia Friends Info Session with Pahrump Valley High Dance Team

The DEER Program proudly provides administrative support to Dementia Friendly Nevada

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