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[et_pb_column type=”4_4″][et_pb_text admin_label=”Text”]New Communities Joining the Dementia Friendly America Movement

Momentum continues to build as more communities across the country inquire, plan and join Dementia Friendly America (DFA). The DFA team was pleased to join the state of Illinois and Tulsa, Oklahoma at their kick-off events. We will also be supporting Hamilton County, Indiana as it plans to move forward to become dementia-friendly. Are you interested in learning more about Dementia Friendly America and how your community or state can join the movement? Visit the Dementia Friendly America website and review the wealth of resources and materials available. The Dementia Friendly America team is available to offer guidance and support. Contact us to get started!

Join the Dementia Friends USA Movement

Dementia Friendly America is the U.S. licensee of the international Dementia Friends program. Dementia Friends USA launched in in January 2017. What is Dementia Friends USA? It is a global movement that is changing the way people think, act and talk about dementia. By helping everyone in a community understand what dementia is and how it affects people, everyone can make a difference for people touched by dementia. Check out the website to see the sector-based video vignettes (90-seconds each) that describe important ways you can have a positive impact on people living with dementia. We are happy to announce that through Dementia Friends USA that 5,726 people throughout the United States have pledged to be a friend to people living with dementia. We are very excited to see this number grow! Become a Dementia Friend today!

Cutting Edge States Offering In-Person Dementia Friends Sessions

international-dementia-friends-program-2016There is now the opportunity to offer in-person Dementia Friend sessions at the state level through a sub-license agreement with Dementia Friends USA. We look forward to working with our new Dementia Friends state leads who will offer in-person Dementia Friends’ sessions in their respective states! These states include:

  • Arizona
  • Connecticut
  • Massachusetts
  • Maryland
  • Michigan
  • Minnesota
  • North Carolina
  • Wyoming

For more information on State Leads please visit our website.

Resources on Dementia Friendly America Website

The DFA team continues to update resources on the Dementia Friendly website. Check out these recently added or updated resources:

Remember, all the resources on the website are free, downloadable and customizable. Just remember to attribute DFA and the model that inspired DFA—ACT on Alzheimer’s—when you use them.

ATTENTION: All DFA Community Leads and Organizers!
Remember to please disseminate this survey to your stakeholders! New communities: distribute around the 9-12 month mark. Existing communities: please collect survey feedback annually!

Upcoming Events

Re-Imagine Life with Dementia Conference 
June 25-27 | Atlanta, GA

Alzheimer’s Association International Conference 2017 (AAIC) 
July 16 – 20 | London, United Kingdom

International Association of Gerontology and Geriatrics (IAGG) 2017 Conference
July 23 – 27 | San Francisco, California

National Association of Area Agencies on Aging Conference
July 29  – August 2 | Savannah, GA

Save the Date: UsAgainstAlzheimer’s National Summit
October 3 – 5 | Washington, D.C. .

2017 National Research Summit on Dementia Care
October 16 – 17 | Washington, D.C.[/et_pb_text][/et_pb_column]
